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Does Instagram Delete Inactive Accounts?

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Instagram is a popular social media application with over 1 billion active users. People use the app for different purposes. While some love using Instagram to socialize, others create art or run a business. The several purposes that Instagram can serve make it incredibly popular in today’s world.

Instagram uses a set of policies to run smoothly without causing much inconvenience to its users. One of the ways it remains a helpful app is by keeping its users active and engaged. But does Instagram delete inactive accounts?

The social media platform utilizes policies that delete accounts for inactivity and violence. This means that you will either get your account deleted or see a notification saying ‘Instagram account temporarily locked’ if you don’t follow the app’s terms and conditions.

So Does Instagram Really Delete Inactive Accounts?

The use of Instagram increases with every passing day as more users sign up. This is the reason Instagram’s terms of service automatically deletes an account that is inactive for a certain period. Deleting these inactive accounts makes more room for new users. 

If you wonder whether Instagram will delete your account if you are not active often, the answer is yes. Instagram tends to remove accounts if the users don’t actively engage. But how does the Instagram app know that you’re an inactive user?

Instagram uses a policy to flag inactive accounts. Here are some factors that the social media platform considers declaring that an account is inactive:

  • The date on which you created your account
  • The last time you logged in to your account
  • If your account has been sharing posts or stories
  • If you have watched Instagram Reels
  • Your account’s activity, such as liking and commenting on posts, Reels, or IGTVs
  • Whether you have followers
  • Whether you are following any active users

You may have your Instagram account temporarily locked, or it may have been deleted by Instagram if you violated their rules or remained inactive. In any case, you cannot log into your account and view your feed. Moreover, you also stop receiving any notifications or emails regarding comments, mentions, messages, or followers. 

Reactivating a Deleted Instagram Account

instagram login page screenshot

However, your account is only deactivated, not permanently deleted after 30 days of inactivity. Therefore, you can reactivate an Instagram account removed for inactivity. Simply logging into the account using your credentials will reactivate it. 

And then, you will need to go through an identity verification process. You can resend follow requests to users you previously followed, upload photos and videos, and approve followers whose invites were rejected during the deactivation period.

When Does Instagram Delete An Inactive Account? 

Instagram deletes an account that has not been logged in or shown any sort of activity for 30 days. If you don’t use your account in 30 days, Instagram will likely deactivate your account within the next 5 to 10 business days. But, Instagram does not remove all accounts that have been inactive for a month. In fact, many accounts tend to survive for a longer time

So how will you know if Instagram has deleted your account for inactivity? If your account has a backup email address, Instagram will notify you about your account’s suspension through there. The message will also contain instructions on how you can reactivate your deleted Instagram account. Moreover, Instagram also gives you tips on how you can keep your account active

However, Instagram does not permanently delete your account if you’re inactive for 30 days. It only temporarily deactivates it. It is possible to reactivate a deactivated Instagram account. You can reactivate Instagram accounts from the web by simply logging in using your account credentials, such as username and password.

Instagram Account Temporarily Locked?

locked instagram account example

Many users also face another issue: Instagram has temporarily locked an account. While it’s different from them deleting your account, it hinders users from performing any activity on the platform. 

Instagram locks certain accounts to protect other users and the platform, encouraging a good user experience. 

Why is Your Instagram Temporarily Locked?

For the most part, Instagram locks accounts when it believes you have breached any of its user policies. But it can also often be a mistake. The following factors may be why you see your Instagram account temporarily locked. 

  1. Bot-Like Activity
    • Instagram keeps track of certain actions that users perform within a 24-hour window. Instagram considers carrying out an activity unnaturally fast as ‘bot-like,’ locking your account. For instance, following accounts and un-following them is typical bot-like conduct for Instagram. Or, Instagram may lock your account if you post the same comment under many posts. With our growth Instagram service, you can still boost your account without risking it!
  2. Use of Third-Party Apps
    • The Terms of Use by Instagram do not allow using Third-Party applications. While Instagram does not ban using all apps, you will first ask for approval before accessing it. Instagram easily detects automated actions and locks accounts suspected of using third-party apps. 
  3. Phished Account Credentials
    • Fraudulent websites can provide hackers with your login credentials for Instagram and other apps. Often, hackers carry out violating actions that result in an account lock. 
    • To unlock your account, you will need to take a few steps that include:
      • Filling a form
      • Verifying your account
      • Sending a photo of yourself holding the code
      • Waiting for a response

Bottom Line

Instagram takes strict actions against users that breach their terms of use. This is why many Instagram users have questions like ‘Does Instagram delete inactive accounts?’ or ‘Why is my Instagram temporarily locked?’ Instagram deletes accounts that have been inactive for 30 days, while a lock can result from several issues. 

Does Instagram Delete Inactive Accounts?
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