Hashtag Engine

2022 Hashtags Stats: Why Use Hashtags In Your Posts

2022 Hashtags Stats: Why Use Hashtags In Your Posts

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Hashtags are extremely powerful and used for a variety of reasons. They can give your brand an identity and help you reach a wider audience. 

Made famous by Twitter, they’re now used on other platforms as well including Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. We’ll look at some exciting hashtags stats today to gauge exactly how popular they are.

Starting With Some Cool Hashtags Stats

Let’s look at some basics:

  • The first ever hashtag was #barcamp used on August 23rd 2007
  • The hashtag was originally known as ‘octothorpe’ – we’re glad for this name change
  • Hashtags can be used in both comments and captions 
  • Hashtag tools like Hashtagengine can make things easier 
  • Chris Messina, a web marketing specialist, invented the concept
  • The word hashtag is included in The Oxford English Dictionary

We’ll now look at platform-specific hashtags stats and help you get the insight in what are hashtags used for.

Twitter Hashtags Stats

Let’s look at Twitter hashtags stats first since this is the platform that gave birth to the concept:

  • Hashtags can improve engagement by up to 100 percent for individuals and up to 50 percent for brands.
  • #thewalkingdead is the most popular TV-related hashtag on Twitter.
  • #starwars is the most popular movie-related hashtag on Twitter.
  • #nfl is the most popular sports-related hashtag on Twitter.
  • 2 is the right number of hashtags to use on Twitter.
  • Ads that do not include hashtags get about 23 percent more engagement.
  • Using more than 2 hashtags can cause your post to get 17 percent less engagement than posts that contain 1 or 2 hashtags.

Twitter is known for promoting branded hashtags and helping agendas or brands trend. There’s no news on how many retweets or posts a hashtag needs to go viral as it depends on a variety of factors including how popular competing hashtags are.

Instagram Hashtags Stats

Twitter might have introduced the world to hashtags but it’s Instagram where the real fun lies. Here are some of the coolest Instagram hashtags stats:

  • You can use up to 30 hashtags in a post. 
  • About 70 percent of all hashtags on the platform are branded.
  • Longer hashtags with more than 20 characters tend to perform better. 
  • 11 is said to be the right number of hashtags on Instagram. Posts that contain 11 hashtags get about 79 percent more engagement than posts that contain no hashtags. 
  • A single hashtag can get you about 29 percent more interactions than posts with no hashtags.
  • About 93 percent of users include hashtags in their captions, whereas nearly 6 percent include hashtags in the comments section

The last stat is of huge importance because the placement of hashtags can impact engagement. Here are some more Insta hashtags stats:

  • Using hashtags in your captions can help you gain up to 36 percent more interactions if you have less than 5,000 followers.
  • Using hashtags in your captions can help you gain up to 20 percent more interactions if you have more than 5,000 and less than 10,000 followers.
  • Using hashtags in your captions can help you gain up to 21 percent more interactions if you have more than 10,000 and less than 50,000 followers.
  • Using hashtags in your captions can help you gain up to 22 percent more interactions if you have more than 50,000 and less than 100,000 followers.
  • Using hashtags in your captions can help you gain up to 16 percent more interactions if you have more than 100,000 followers.

As evident, your reach begins to decrease in percentage terms as you gain more followers, but overall you’d be gaining more visitors. 

TikTok Hashtags Stats

TikTok has proven to be one of the most popular social media platforms in the US. With more than one billion  active users, it’s a great option to promote your business and reach more people. 

The platform uses hashtags to decide who to show your content on the For You page. It works like Instagram’s Explore feature and allows users to search for content through hashtags. 

Here are some stats:

  • Entertainment is the popular popular category on TikTok with more than 550 billion views. 
  • Mother and dance related hashtags such as #dancechallenge and #momhack are very popular on Instagram with more than 100 billion views in total.
  • Hashtags can increase engagement from 5.47 percent (average) to 6.41 percent.

Facebook Hashtags Stats

Hashtags are still not very popular on Facebook but people do use them. Some experts believe that they’re not very effective on the platform, still it might be a good idea to include hashtags when you make new posts. 

Here are some Facebook hashtags stats:

  • The company introduced hashtags in 2013.
  • You can use as many hashtags as you want as they can be used in captions as well.
  • Less is more as posts with one hashtag get up to 593 engagements, whereas posts with up to 5 hashtags get around 416 engagements. It goes down to 307 for posts with 6-10 hashtags. 

The company recommends hashtags via a drop-down menu that shows relevant tags. According to the company, hashtags can improve reach and SEO, but there isn’t much data on how helpful hashtags can be on the platform.

In fact, experts appear to be divided because data suggests that posts that contain no hashtags tend to perform better on Facebook. On Facebook, hashtags are mainly used to filter content and engage in conversations. They are said to be very effective when creating branded ads on the platform.


These were some of the latest hashtags stats to know about. Remember that you must only use correct and relevant hashtags as using too many or incorrect hashtags can backfire. 

Getting the best instagram growth service can make things easier and allow you to reach more people.Contact us today to know more about Hashtag Engine or start with a demo to see how it works.

2022 Hashtags Stats: Why Use Hashtags In Your Posts
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